Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, a history of repression
During its 86-year history, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya has suffered fierce repression by the Spanish State. A quarter of the 70,000 members of Esquerra during the 30s were imprisoned, shot or killed in the war. Esquerra also had to continue its struggle in exile, suffering the imprisonment of two governments and the execution of its president in 1940.
Thursday, November 2, 2017. Madrid. Approximately 6pm. The vice-president and part of the Catalan Government are sent to prison without bail after having testified at the National Court. The crime: having fulfilled the democratic mandates received in the elections of 27 September and the referendum of 1 October and having proclaimed the Republic of Catalonia. Among the prisoners are the president of Esquerra Republicana, Oriol Junqueras, and three other Esquerra ministers : Carles Mundó, Raül Romeva and Dolors Bassa. In Brussels, ministers Toni Comín and Meritxell Serret, with the rest of the Government, led by President Carles Puigdemont, remain in exile.
Sadly, the Spanish State’s repression of the legitimate Government of Catalonia and Esquerra Republicana is nothing new. In fact, Esquerra is a party that has been punished and persecuted since its foundation 86 years ago. Imprisonment, repression, persecution, exile, outlawing and executions. The history of Esquerra is full of episodes of extreme repression by a state that has fought over time to maintain its privileges.
The history of Esquerra is full of episodes of extreme repression by a state that has long struggled with the same force to maintain its privileges