Three contenders will run in the Esquerra Republicana leadership race after winning required endorsements

Militància Decidim, Nova Esquerra Nacional and Foc Nou have been provisionally proclaimed

After presenting the minimum required endorsements, three candidacies for the National Executive of the party were provisionally proclaimed on Saturday: Militància Decidim, Nova Esquerra Nacional and Foc Nou. The last of the pre-candidate tickets, Recuperem ERC, has failed to make the cut.

Militancia Decidim obtained a total 2,565 validated endorsements; Nova Esquerra Nacional, got 1,510; and Foc Nou, 468. All of them have passed the minimum endorsement of 5% of the membership census and will have a shot at the leadership of Esquerra Republicana on election day, coinciding with the 30th National Congress on Saturday 30 November. Recuperem ERC has obtained 157 validated endorsements.

A period now opens for appeals that will end next Wednesday 20 November when the candidacies will be announced conclusively.