The president of Esquerra Republicana Oriol Junqueras, former Catalan government ministers Dolors Bassa and Raül Romeva, and the former speaker of the Parliament of Catalonia Carme Forcadell have all announced that they will not respond to the call that the Supreme Court has made the nine unjustly jailed Catalan political prisoners for statements on a possible pardon. The four members of Esquerra Republican argue that they will not respond to the top court as “the law does not provide for it and because it is not mandatory.”
Mr Junqueras, Ms Bassa, Mr Romeva and Ms Forcadell also state that “this is the first time the Supreme Court has made a request of this nature,” and that “if it does so now, it is for purely political reasons.”
Finally, all four recall that “the solution to the political conflict between Catalonia and Spain must be collective and must include amnesty” for more than 3,000 persons throughout the country who have suffered Spain’s reprisals.